In 1 month, you will gain 10 kg of rock-hard muscle without gym or diet. This effect is confirmed by independent medical tests


My name is Professor Joseph Santos and I am a scientist, a specialist in genetic engineering. On this page, I would like to introduce you to the greatest achievement of my life, for which I have just been nominated for the Asian equivalent of the Nobel Prize - the Confucius Prize. I have developed a formula that stimulates protein synthesis, contributing to maximum muscle mass gain. Thanks to my method, every man can automatically and permanently gain 10 kg of pure muscle mass in 1 month.

Therefore, if you want to:

...and if you want to achieve all this without murderous workouts, dangerous supplements and a grueling diet, and as a result save tens of thousands of zloty - you must read what I have to tell you.

It doesn't matter how old you are or how long you've been trying to sculpt a muscular figure. Even if you've heard that there's nothing you can do with your body type because you're just skinny already, or you're overweight and doomed to fail... Know that in 1 month you can enjoy 10 kilos of rock-hard muscle without going to the gym!

Here's why my formula is the perfect alternative to diets, supplements and murderous gym workouts:

I have developed an intargenetic method, thanks to which you will automatically build 10 kg of pure muscle mass in 1 month

Thanks to it - you will not have to exercise, use diets or poison yourself with suspicious nutrients and boosters. You will forget about all the problems and humiliation you suffered because of an unfit, skinny or fat body. You will start to build pure muscle mass while performing everyday activities - going to work, picking up a cup of tea, answering the phone. Your every move will activate the regeneration processes of muscle fibres and stimulate protein synthesis, which will automatically and permanently build pure muscle mass.

And all this is thanks to the fact that I developed an intargenetic formula that automatically builds 10 kg of pure muscle mass in 1 month. How did I do it?

I wanted to help my brother build a masculine physique he could be proud of

According to the latest research carried out by the Institute of Sport, 62% of men in the Philippines have a problem with low self-esteem caused by their lack of a male figure, while as many as 4 out of 10 of them are perceived as unmanly. Unfortunately, this problem has also affected my younger brother, Michael.

My brother was always of slight build, with narrow shoulders, but no one in the family thought he felt bad about his body. Everything changed when he went to his first job and fell in love with a girl he met there.

He started having trouble sleeping, his hands were sweating... He thought he was sick, but he was "only" in love. It was platonic love. My brother was quite shy, insecure, and afraid of rejection.

After a few months, at a company party, he finally dared to approach a girl and propose to go to the cinema together. He was expecting a trashing, and just like that she agreed. The brother was in seventh heaven. For the next few days, he talked about nothing else but the date and the girl he was dreaming about.

He planned everything carefully: a cinema, a romantic film, a walk and dinner. They made an appointment in front of the cinema. When the girl arrived, they went up to the queue at the box office. They were talking, laughing, the first time they didn't even hear someone say something to them. Suddenly my brother felt someone pat him on the back and say: "your scarf has fallen." My brother turned green in the face. "LADY" - someone thought he was a woman, just because he was scrawny and had narrow shoulders. The girl didn't know where to look. He wanted to keep his cool and stayed until the end of the show. He could barely sit in his chair, after the film he found an excuse and ran away. He returned to the flat, which he demolished in his excitement.

After this incident, Michael closed himself off. He did not contact anyone from his family, he turned off his phone. Nobody knew what was going on with him. We were all dying of anxiety about him.

He ruined his health and psyche

Michael cut himself off from the world. From that moment on, all that mattered was the gym, his new friends and the various nutrients they supplied him with. He pressed heavier and heavier weights, tortured his body. He did everything to change his genetics. He wanted to turn his scrawny figure and narrow shoulders into muscles. Hard training in the gym did not help. No muscle appeared on his frail figure. Eventually, he started buying dangerous legal highs, which were supposed to give him the body of a bodybuilder. At that time he did not yet see that he was playing with his life. These constant murderous workouts, unhealthy motivation, hatred for his body and dangerous powders ruined his health and psyche.

The worst part was that he was going lower and lower. He did not return to work, he could not bear the shame and humiliation in the eyes of his girlfriend. He only spoke to his parents asking for money. It turned out that he had accumulated debts with all his family and most of his friends just to be able to pay for the gym, a personal trainer, sports clothes and nutritional supplements he ate.

He hated his body, so he destroyed it, tortured it. The gym became a torture chamber for him. He thought he was doing good, that he was building muscle, but he was killing himself and poisoning himself. One day his body simply refused to obey. He collapsed and a huge weight that he was lifting fell on him. He was taken to the emergency room. I almost lost my brother...

How did I invent the "muscle explosion patent"?

I needed to help my brother build a manly physique he could be proud of - without gyms, diets or dangerous supplements. I wanted him to build a body that he would feel 100% male with. When I was in the hospital and looked at Michael, it dawned on me - I am a scientist! I have participated in the discovery of many substances that effectively fight various diseases, influence tissues and genes. Why don't I develop a formula for automatic muscle growth that is effective and safe? And that's when I started my research...

I conducted intensive laboratory research for six months. I tested various combinations of active substances on my brother. Let me just point out that they were all 100% natural and safe for the body. Scientific knowledge and a bit of luck soon bore fruit. I developed a unique formula which regenerates muscle fibres and stimulates protein synthesis. Its 98% effectiveness was confirmed by the largest research centres in Europe and the USA! While still undergoing tests, my intargenetic formula has already helped 7,000 men gain 10kg of pure muscle mass.

Michael, after just 1 week of using the formula, activated protein synthesis and started gaining muscle mass 8 times faster than by hitting the gym and poisoning himself with various supplements. And this was just the beginning. The following week, his frail muscles exploded! He gained biceps which many UFC fighters would be proud of! Then it was only better, because his silhouette took the shape of a professional bodybuilder. Muscles on the whole body were hard, compact and strong.

After only 3 weeks, his brother, looking at his reflection in the mirror, exclaimed: "Dude, you came up with a patent for muscle explosion! For such a sculpture, I would have had to torture myself in the gym for 6 years. You are a genius!"

My brother has built 10kg of muscle mass and gained a manly physique he is proud of

My brother built a total of 10kg of pure muscle mass in just 1 month. Full of energy, he came back to life, found a job and most importantly... had the courage to talk to the girl he was in love with all the time. And you know what? She nearly fainted when she saw him! She was expecting to see a scrawny boy, and there stood before her a real guy with muscles like a bodybuilder's!

Let me briefly explain to you why some men have the muscles of a professional bodybuilder, while others are scrawny or fat. The process is very complicated, but I will try to explain it in a language understandable for a person who is not a scientist.

Know that a muscular figure is not only due to daily workouts. I'm sure you know someone who works out almost every day and doesn't look like a professional bodybuilder. This is because not everyone knows what protein synthesis is. It is a gene that every man has, but when it is not activated, it blocks natural and automatic muscle growth.

So my challenge was to create a formula that has a radical effect. It activates protein synthesis, so I activate muscle tissue to grow automatically, quickly, permanently and safely. I have done it! I developed my intargenetic formula. I called it MuscleArt.

Why is my intargenetic formula hailed as the "muscle explosion patent"?




Until now, it might seem like a miracle. But it is a fact, which is confirmed by the case of my brother and 7 thousand men who have already gained 10 kg of muscle mass in 1 month. What's more, the effectiveness of the intargenetic formula has been proven beyond any doubt by a German research center in Munich. This is a discovery on a global scale, which has won the recognition and admiration of eminent specialists in genetics, dietetics and professional bodybuilders.


Natural ingredients work wonders - all it takes is science to come up with their perfect composition! This is the motto that guided me in creating the intargenetic formula. The formula contains only natural, safe and super-effective substances. MuscleArt is a dietary supplement containing a specially composed complex of active ingredients, which support the regeneration processes of muscle fibres and stimulate protein synthesis, contributing to maximum muscle mass gain. Plant extracts, vitamins and microelements actively accelerate metabolic processes, which translates into improved performance of the entire organism and better efficiency during workouts. The formula is based exclusively on ingredients of natural origin which are easily absorbed and safe in use. The unique formula accelerates the development of muscle mass, regulates hormone metabolism and actively supports exercise capacity. You can additionally gain 10 kg of hard and strong muscles!

Everyone who is used to your frail or fat body will be amazed to see 10kg of rock-hard muscle on your body!







You can continue struggling at the gym. You can also continue to poison yourself with dangerous supplements and boosters... But why, when I guarantee you a fast, simple and cost-effective way to gain 10 kg of pure muscle mass? Just 1 month is enough for you to join 7 thousand satisfied MuscleArt users, who are already enjoying their bodybuilding physique.

You don't risk anything!

Using MuscleArt you will gain 10 kg of muscles in 1 month. Additionally you do not risk anything! As an achievement on a global scale, my formula received the prestigious Triple Satisfaction Guarantee: originality, quality and satisfaction.

Triple satisfaction guarantee

1. Originality guaranteed - the MuscleArt intargenetic formula is based on the strongest substances activating muscle tissue growth. Its effectiveness is confirmed by clinical tests. This is the only such an innovative formula. Therefore you can be sure that you will receive an original product, available only via this website.

2. Quality guarantee - due to the advanced manufacturing process of the intargenetic formula, MuscleArt meets the highest quality standards. Out of concern for your health and well-being, the concentration of active substances has been selected so that the formula is completely safe. All that so that its effects meet your expectations 100%.

3. Satisfaction guarantee - numerous laboratory and consumer tests confirm the highest effectiveness of MuscleArt. Based on these results, the formula has gained the recognition of specialists from all over the world, who recommend it to their clients. They are sure that in 1 month, you will build 10 kg of pure muscle mass (regardless of the body type).

Gain 10kg of muscle in 1 month, quickly, easily and economically

prof. Joseph Santos

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The product is a dietary supplement. The product cannot be responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of any disease, ailment classified by medicine. The product may not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. The product may have a supporting and beneficial effect on the body, and the effects of product use are the result of the individual predisposition of the body.